Undergraduate 未成年人


The 音乐系 offers three minors — Music, 音乐制作, and Music and Worship Arts — that can enrich and complement your chosen major in a myriad of ways. Regardless of your major, a minor in either Music, 音乐制作, or Music and Worship Arts offers a rich education in the music arts.


辅修音乐, course by course you will follow an integrative approach to advancing your musical skills. A minor in Music will provide you with the foundations of music-making — including theory and aural skills — as well as with a deeper understanding of the history and performance of music. You will take lessons on your primary instrument, join a choral or instrumental ensemble, and become part of a strong community of musicians. 了解更多

音乐制作 Minor

In the 音乐制作 minor, you are prepared for the future of music and audio technology in areas such as film scoring, 生活的声音, video game scoring, and sound design for TV and film. 

You'll also engage in a yearlong sequence of recording classes in which you'll learn to produce professional level recordings by working in SPU's high-tech Nickeron Studios. This minor prepares you for podcasting, doing sound in live church services, creating music with MIDI-based software, 和更多的. Transfer students will be able to complete this minor in two years. 

Music and Worship Arts Minor

A minor in Music and Worship Arts will train you to use your musical gifts — whether as a worship leader, 一个表演者, 一个作曲家, 一个导体, or a teacher — as well as provide you with advanced study in music theory and literature. You will explore contemporary worship performance practices, as well as traditional worship and liturgical traditions, foundations in church worship music, and the theology of worship. 了解更多

Entering a 音乐小

You may enter the minor during your first quarter at SPU. Entrance after your first quarter requires only good academic standing (2.0 or higher SPU cumulative GPA). 查阅 undergraduate catalog for complete information on how and when to enter and what you must do to complete the program.   

Private Instruction

Music study is, above all, grounded in performance. As a Music major or minor at 西雅图 Pacific University, you will work privately with one of our outstanding faculty. The following areas are available on campus:

男中音 羽管键琴         萨克斯风
巴松管 长号
单簧管 爵士吉他 小号
古典吉他        爵士钢琴 大号
低音提琴 双簧管 中提琴         
长笛 器官 小提琴
吉他 钢琴 大提琴
竖琴 打击乐器 的声音

SPU String Quartet
Orientale from 5 Novelettes, by Alexander Glazunov
(黄媚兰, Class of 2012; Sam Ernest, Class of 2015; Meagan Peeples, Class of 2014; Leanne Riddle, 2012届毕业生)
